Welcome to Candi's Oscar Fashion Recap - Version 6.0 - get ready to bang your head!
I gotta tell you my friends...this was a rough one. Last night will not rank high on the list of all-time great Oscar telecasts for this girl...just saying! Not only the show - which was moderately entertaining, but oftentimes laborious at best - but the fashions? Pretty much gross. I hate to write a fashion recap that is heavy on the negative, but when all of Hollywood decides to show up draped in recycled car parts and tin cans, they just don't make it easy...
But first, some random commentary on the big show:

But this is not the venue for you. I don't say this to be mean. I say this because while other critics will say "he was beneath the Oscars", I will say that you are ABOVE them...by this, I mean that your humor is a very specific type of funny. It's sarcastic, mocking, self-loathing, over-the-top and the exact OPPOSITE of what the Hollywood industry stands for. They do not like to be made fun of. They find themselves superior on almost every level. They are, as a whole, egomaniacal at best. They may clap politely, but inside they are all like, "Who IS this UNGODLY man and why is he on our stage?" - you were like Peter Griffin visiting an episode of Downton Abbey...and the worst part is that you kind of knew this, so instead of going balls to the wall and letting it rip, you held back (oh, I know that you held back) and so you were just...dare I type this? BORING. Unfortunately, there is nowhere to go but down at this point. Hit up MTV for the next movie awards...maybe the Espys? You should have followed Ricky as the Golden Globes host and let Tina & Amy handle the big show...they would have totally rocked that shit.
But THANK YOU for bringing TED to the party...I love me some Ted! He's insanely inappropriate, but that's okay when you are a cuddly stuffed bear in a tux. Besides, he was only slightly less eloquent than his co-presenter (former CK undies bohunk Marky Mark), who, when opening the envelope and announcing a tie, proclaimed "No BS - it's a tie..." - you can take the boy out of South Boston...well, you know how that saying goes...
Random Fact about Seth: Did you know that he was scheduled to be a passenger on American Airlines Flight 11 - one of the two planes that struck the World Trade Center on September 11th? He was severely hungover and missed his flight. True story. This has absolutely nothing to do with the Oscars, but I am fascinated by this story nonetheless.
The THEME of the show was MOVIE MUSIC - just in case you missed that. It's not that it's a bad theme, it just felt like we've been there, done that. It's not like Chicago and Dreamgirls came out 30 years ago - All That Jazz? What about a different song from Chicago - like maybe He Had It Coming...now THAT could have been fun...and J-Hud has performed that song several times in public - we know she can bring it. But at least she got to redeem herself for the fashion disaster of 2007...an important rule to remember about Oscar dresses - pockets = comfort = probably not gonna work...just the way it is!
CONFESSION: I have never seen a James Bond - 007 movie. Like ever. Not a one. And honestly? Don't really care to. So you will have to excuse my complete and utter disinterest in the "Salute to 007" - now if they had just shown some clips and got on with it, that would have been fine with me - a quick game of Candy Crush would hit the spot right about now anyway - but then they had to go and put on a musical performance from DAME Shirley Bassey:
That look on her face? It is directly proportionate to the frightening "sick cat" screeches coming out of her throat - GOOOOOOOOOLLLLDDDD-FING-ERRRRRRRRRRR...my ears are now bleeding - thanks for that. I am sorry DAME Shirley Bassey, but that song is just awful. Of all the 007 theme songs, that's what they got? How about For Your Eyes Only? Was Sheena Easton busy last night? How about a little Duran Duran - A View To A Kill? I am sure they were free...hell, Paul McCartney is like everywhere these days - can you say Live & Let Die? But I digress...
PEOPLE.....PEOPLE WHO WEAR CHOKERS...And then Gypsy Rose Barbra came out - I am not obsessed with her they way most of the world seems to be...sorry! Her voice is still like a cross between Fergie and Jesus (to quote Dale Doback of Stepbrothers)...but I just can't with her look. I'm starting to think that she may be that girl Jane from that creepy story about The Yellow Ribbon - click this link if you don't know what I am talking about...
WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER...there were a few surprises this year - I must say, love me some Jennifer Lawrence, and loved Silver Linings Playbook, but I would not categorize it as Best Actress material. She lucked out with lack of competition. And we all know Anne Hathaway just won because she bought that book "Oscar Winning For Dummies", which clearly states than any ONE of the following will increase your Oscar odds: 1) lose or gain weight 2) bad haircut or prosthetic that diminishes your "Hollywood beauty" or 3) hooker with a heart of gold - talk about a trifecta! All 5 Supporting Actor nominees were awesome, Daniel Day-Lewis was a lock...Argo was an amazing movie...but I was not happy that Ang Li won Best Director for the Tiger On A Boat flick...I fear that Spielberg was being punished for Ben Affleck NOT being nominated - not fair guys! Lincoln was snubbed...that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
What's that? This is supposed to be a Fashion Recap? I almost forgot...
EDITOR'S NOTE: The next time you wonder what it would be like to be rich and famous, please know this...if you have girlfriends in your life that will look at you and say "NO - NOT THE DRESS FOR YOU - SORRY MAMA" - then you are waaaaaayyyyy ahead of the game. Because many of the ladies that I am about to go to town on obviously do NOT have these people in their lives.
OLIVIA MUNN - I don't care for this girl...she was the girl that showed her boobs (WE SAW YOUR BOOBS!) in the opening scene of Magic Mike...but I love this dress. So much that I kind of wish that someone I like was wearing it...I know that's mean, but it's how I feel...did you see the name of my blog? CANDIDly Speaking...take it or leave it...of all the metallic horrors on the red carpet this evening, this dress did it right - metal as an ACCENT - over fabulous red satin - my favorite dress of the evening.
CATHERINE ZETA-JONES - There is always that one chick that thinks it's appropriate to dress like an Oscar for the big night (she was one of MANY tonight rocking metallic)...but damn if CZJ doesn't pull it off! This is a stunning woman...she is at the top of my list based on those earrings alone...and I have always had a slight girl-crush on her, I must admit...
JENNIFER GARNER - Love her - love the color - love the cut - MOM OF THREE - looking good Mrs. Affleck! I even like the necklace...she went to the same "messy with a part and wisps" stylist frequented by several other ladies tonight, and I am not in love with the hair, and maybe a little more color on the lip...but overall, nice job mama...
JENNIFER LAWRENCE - Can't say that I love it - wish it wasn't this pale color - has a little Barbie Bride aura to it - and it's just a whole lotta dress (see below) - the fit is beautiful on her shape, but it's a little too stuffy for my Katniss..but for a Best Actress winner (who knew?) - it will hold up over time in the history books I think ; )
KERRY WASHINGTON - I love this dress...love the color, love the blinginess of the bodice - could do without the bow, but I don't hate the bow...but I don't like her hair! Now, let me just say that due to my INSANE obsession with SCANDAL (Thursday nights on ABC - you must watch it!), I am very up close and personal with Kerry on a weekly basis...and her hair always looks better than this...I know, minor detail, but it's part of the deal for me...
JENNIFER ANISTON - Jen's wearing red! On anyone else, I may have said the dress was a bit simple and nothing fabulous, but on my girl Jen (notorious for wearing 50 shades of black in her entire awards show history) - I AM LOVING IT! She looks happy, and that always makes a girl shine : )
STACEY KEIBLER - Besides Catherine Zeta-Jones-Douglas, this was the only metallic gown that I liked. Especially the back! George Clooney's arm candy is looking pretty good this year...but Stace, we have a bit of a situation with that hairdo...I see where you were going - the dress has a little bit of a flapper vibe going on with the scallops...but instead of being complimentary, it just looks sort of matchy-matchy. And fugly. Baby steps...
HELEN HUNT - So good to see you my dear...I have been a fan since The Quarterback Princess when you wiped the mud from your cheeks to go to the prom...you look marvelous. And for those that think this dress is no big woop...guess where she got it?
H & M...that's right bitches! Bargain couture at its finest - and they donate a portion of the profits from their formal collection to some kind of environmental charity or something. BOOM! Crunchy Granola Fabulous!
CHARLIZE THERON - What to say? My first thought was Brigitte Nielsen in Rocky IV...I can't lie...and it's eerily similar to Anne Hathaway's Globes dress I believe - I am just not a short hair person...Halle only please! Yeah, she's gorgeous and I know that she is sure to be a fave with the critics - The structure! The hair! But for me? Just eh.

ANNE HATHAWAY - OH HELL NO. #1 - Pink. Blech. #2 - Is it cold on the red carpet or are your nipples just happy to see me? #3 - You described your dress as being a "party in the back" - but guess what we see? The FRONT. And it's no party. The hair - the necklace - all just not good. But hey, congrats on that Oscar...

HALLE BERRY - I am not sure what to say. The shoulders - bad. The stripes - horrendous. The color - boring. The hair sucks too...either stay super-short or just break down and get the weave...it's a borderline mohawk. This is supposed to be a "Bond Girl" style dress according to what she said on the Red Carpet...not feeling it. Thinking she should have just worn the bikini from her own Bond Girl experience...she almost looks like Prince if you look really fast...and that is not a compliment.
JESSICA CHASTAIN - I was very unkind to you last month - I named you Worst Dressed at the Golden Globes...you deserved it, but I still felt a little bit bad. So I am going to say that based on the epic fail of THAT night, this look is quite the improvement. I still think your hair should be a little darker, but at least it's not a frizzfest tonight. And the dress could be a little more in contrast to your flesh...but props to you for hiring a stylist with a clue this time around...you're learning!
NAOMI WATTS - Metallic Entry #746...I liked this dress for part of the night, then turned on it, then liked it again. Now I guess I am having a LOVE/HATE relationship with it? The boob situation looks a bit precarious - it's like I WANT to like it, but I can't push the words BATTLESTAR GALACTICA out of my head.
REESE WITHERSPOON - As a rule, I am not a into royal blue - if it was ALL royal blue I might have liked it, but the black kills it for me - and the hairdo is WAY too pageant for me. Maybe if the black was some sort of bling? Just not a good time.
LARA SPENCER - You know it's a bad night when you are including the pre-show commentator people in your Oscar Fashion Recap. But Lara knocked it out of the park last night - great dress, perfect style for her, metallic but not METALLIC!!!! - LOVE the bangles - and the hair not only looks fantastic but it is the perfect style for the dress...ACES LARA!
RENEE ZELLWEGER - Was Renee wearing a dress? I was too focused on what was going on with her face to notice. She is BANGED UP...that side view is frightening - the Madonna arms are not helping - I am all for fit and healthy, but the dress should enhance that, not make you look like you are 75% complete with your sex-change operations.
NICOLE KIDMAN - Just one more example of Metallic Gone Bad. Very bad. Again, it's unfortunate that I hold her to a higher standard based on past home runs on the red carpet...but I do. And this is not a home run...it's like a weak dribbler to the pitcher. And as many times as I have harrassed her for wearing pasty, pale confections, this is just too heavy for her...and her hair looks like she went to her husband's stylist...
SANDRA BULLOCK - Scalloped metallic! With a lace motif! The only thing that could make metal worse would be combining it with lace and scallops. And she seems to enjoy this style with the high neck and man shoulders thing going on - it is not flattering. Either go sleeveless, or wear a sleeve. And the hair is just droopy and weird. There is a stunning hair brooch thingie, but it's tucked behind her ear in an extremely bizarre location that does nothing for either the brooch OR the hairstyle. You're better than this Sandy.
ZOE SALDANA - She has a history of wearing split-personality dresses (see the Purple-People Eater Pop Pom dress from 2010 - (go ahead and Google it - I can't do everything for you people!) I am loving the top of this dress...but then you move down and it's all - WHAT'S GOING ON DOWN HERE? WHO LET BLACK AND GREY IN TO THE PARTY?
SALMA HAYEK - What is that VELVET? What's going on here? She looks like she is being strangled - it's all very Spanish Cleopatra. I don't know if she should be walking the red carpet or hanging on the wall in my Nana's basement. The actual dress style, even with the choker action, would probably be stunning in a solid striking color in a gorgeous satin - like burgundy, red, emerald green, coral, charcoal grey, cerulean blue, purple, copper...I could go on...there is a whole RAINBOW of colors out there...PICK ONE! PLEASE?
AMY ADAMS - It's not just the feathers. It's the ABUNDANCE of feathers. Every time they showed her sitting in the front row, I had to check and make sure Jack Nicholson was still there and not eaten by Amy's skirt. When it looks like the dress is wearing you, that means it's just too much. And I actually love the color, but not on you...please repeat after me...I, Amy Adams, am a pasty redhead, and therefore I should steer clear of dresses that blend with my pastiness and instead seek out stunning contrasts often found in the jewel tones category...and WHAT is with this hairdo tonight??? I am so over it.

KRISTEN STEWART - Am I the only one that sees this natural progression happening over the next 30 years? Helena Bonham Carter-ville here you come...
BEN AFFLECK - Shout out to you my man for an amazing acceptance speech - all of it - the reference to your first win 15 years ago - acknowledging that your career has had bumps in the road, and most of all, for admitting in front of a billion people that marriage is hard work - so much more refreshing than the fake "everything is perfection" that most of Hollywood tries to portray...you have come a long way, and it's wonderful to watch! And BTDubs...Argo was amazeballs.
THE TATUMS - Cutest. Couple. Ever.
ROBIN ROBERTS - I am closing it out with you, Robin. Not only are you an inspiration and the epitome of class and grace, but you are ROCKING that dress...congrats on kicking cancer's ass...
Until next year...