Monday, August 12, 2013

Dedicated To The Ones I Love...Permanently.

Guess what? I got a tattoo last night.

To many, this will be shocking.  I am a girl that speaks my mind, and in the past, I have spoken "against" tattoos - I mean, to each his or her own, but not for me.  Just never been a fan.  Could never lose that visual of what it will look like 30, 40, 50 years down the road.  And let's be honest, I do not possess the body beautiful...there was a time when I used to think "well, maybe if I ever achieve that rocking body - THEN I will think about it"...

So what changed?  Well, I guess if you were to ask me that question, my answer would be a resounding "EVERYTHING."  What hasn't changed? What's black is now white, what's hot is now cold, what's up is now down.  Autism has flipped our world on its ass, and kicked us in the shins just for good measure.  My Type A and OCD tendencies have been damaged beyond repair...oh, I still think that way - I just do not have the time, energy or money to live that way anymore.

I have learned to let things go.  I do not write as many lists as I used to.  I take it one day at a time. I have less food in the refrigerator and more dust on the mantel - and guess what? We still wake up every morning and get through the day.

Don't get me wrong - this isn't a whole "stop and smell the roses" lecture - this is just our reality. Our days are hard - full of challenges we never expected to have to deal with.  But it is what it is - one of my favorite quotes has always been "Life is what happens when you're busy making plans." I know now that plans go awry...we can't predict what will come next in this crazy thing called life...we just have to find a way to change ourselves to be able to handle what comes down the pike.

So what the hell does any of this have to do with a tattoo???

Well, being a reformed (sorta) Type A/OCD/Planner Girl has lead me to think that maybe I need to be more impulsive once in a while.  When faced with the opportunity to do this yesterday, my first instinct was to kibosh it immediately - and then I started thinking about all of my autism mama friends that have personal "tributes" to the cause inked on their bodies - and for some reason, the whole idea of making a PERMANENT statement like that seemed appealing...what better way to truly commit yourself to a cause that you are passionate about? I raise buckets of money...I talk about autism when people ask questions...I am in this thing for the long haul, like it or not!

While it is autism that lead me to this little personal epiphany regarding body art, this doesn't change the fact that I have 3 kids...all of them sharing space in my world. And let's not forget my of this November, we have been "together" for 28 years...I guess that deserves some sort of symbolic recognition?

So how to address "the cause" and yet still make it about all of us?

Ta-Daaaaa (as Gia would say) it is - the four pieces of my heart - connected to me, and to their father as the middle piece - the colors represent their birthstones - Adam (sapphire), Evan (topaz), Luke (peridot) and Gia (ruby)...artistic props to a genius tattoo artist because if you saw my original rendering...let's just say that art is not in my repertoire!

Yes, I got a tattoo last night.  I did something impulsive that was outside my normal comfort zone. I did not over-analyze it or write a list of pros and cons about it, or research its prophetic meanings on Google...I just went with my heart.


  1. So proud of you, sis!! And the tattoo came out great!! I feel that I "pushed" you into it by watching the kids while you got ink. And I'm glad I did!!! Here's the question.....when/where are you getting your next one??? "No one can ink just one!!"

  2. I am beyond honored to have had a part in your first tattoo experience. i definitely feel as though it bonded us more than autism has (although i had a hard time staying awake at 12:20 am to watch you complete it. And yes, your original drawing was definitely something i wish i saved... it was hysterical! Love to you always!! xox

  3. This is a great tribute to the center of your life.....your precious family!
