Friday, May 10, 2013

A Tribute To The Moms I Know & Love...

Back in 2009, I wrote a Facebook "note" that paid tribute to all of the mothers in my life and how they impacted my world...little did I know that so much could change in just 4 years...I have experienced and witnessed things that I never would have imagined...and I managed to pop out a third kid along the way! So here, in 2013, I present this updated version - a tribute to the Moms I know and love...

Mothers...there's nothing else like them...good days, bad days, roller-coaster ups and downs, happy milestones, disappointing setbacks, emotional outbursts, heartbreaking other "job" is more challenging, fascinating, draining, rewarding or important...and no other job has as many "co-workers" to share your joy, feel your pain and keep you sane.

To all of my "co-workers" out there...this one's for you...

We shared our pregnancies and all that comes with them...belly laughs, food issues, swollen cankles, baby names, showers, hopes, fears and dreams...lucky for me that EACH time that I was pregnant it was at the same time as a great bunch of fellow mommies-to-be...would not have been the same without you...Happy Mother's Day!

I have been friends with some of you for over 30 years...who knew back in grade school, high school, college that we would still be together, sharing so many milestones...first loves, bad break-ups, graduations, engagements, weddings, divorces, infertility challenges, pregnancy, miscarriages, good times, bad times...but the most important milestone that we have shared and continue to share is the journey of that my oldest is 14, I love telling him stories about you all and reliving memories that I will always cherish...I thank you all for the impact that you have had and continue to have in my life...and may we all still know and love each other when we become Grandmas some day...Happy Mother's Day!

A wise woman once told me that your best friends will wind up being the ones that you meet through the relationships of your children (it was my mom...).  As with many things, she was correct.  I found a bunch of amazing women to be friends with when my oldest was in 1st grade and first joined flag football.  It feels like a lifetime already...and that's because I literally could not imagine my life without you all in it. Whether I met you behind the school, on the football field, around town or through other friends, I am so glad to know you all and have the honor of calling you my have been there for me through some of the roughest challenges I have faced...supporting me with just a look, or a joke...or whatever I needed.  Happy Mother's Day!

I have said it before and I'll say it matter how good of a "parenting" job we do with our kids, the wrong influence from certain friends can change the path of your child's future in an instant. So I want to thank all of the moms of Evan's classmates and schoolmates at LMS and now SBMS...what a great bunch of kids...a testament to their parents. And as our kids get older, they may grow further apart or closer together...but I will always be grateful that this group was with him in his formative years. So thanks for raising great kids...Happy Mother's Day!

I am the mother of a special needs child. It is hard to type that, and even harder to live it every day. But let's face it - kids don't need to be "diagnosed" with something to present their own unique challenges to their mothers. So whether your child is ADD, ADHD, OCD, has social challenges, behavioral issues, learning disabilities or just does not know when to stop pushing your buttons...motherhood can be a bumpy road...but having friends in the passenger seat that understand what you are going through makes the ride a little easier...Happy Mother's Day!

When Luke was first diagnosed way back in 2007, I did not let myself be open to meeting the other autism mommies out there.  As is usually the case with me, I was stubborn, and I decided that I knew best and that I could make it on my own.  Well, WRONG!  None of us can go this road alone.  And as much as I would not wish autism on my worst enemy, the friendships that I have found in you have been the one bright spot on this often-dark road.  You GET it.  You REALLY GET it.  And I would be absolutely lost without you all...Autism may have brought us together, but it's our shared passion and commitment to doing right by our babies that has cemented that initial bond and made you some of the best friends a girl could ask for...Happy Mother's Day!

We were not pals when we were kids.  We were different - we are still different.  But the one thing that has created a bond between us more than anything else is motherhood.  My children are blessed beyond belief to have their Aunt Tace...and as much as we used to watch Evan and Lauren together, we now watch Lauren and Gia do the same things, but in reverse roles...and it's amazing and pure and special and I am so glad that they have both of you in their lives...Happy Mother's Day!

What's left to say about my mom?  I never felt like I got a lot of "things" from you - my looks, my sarcasm, my pessimism - all Dad...but just when I thought that I had that all figured out...along came autism into my life...and I figured out that what you gave me is strength.  Strength and determination and conviction and passion to fight this nemesis in my life and do what needs to be done.  That's all you.  I get on your case for being overly optimistic, but whether I realize it or not, it's in me too - it may be buried under the surface, but if I didn't have it in there somewhere, I would be a crumpled mess.  You are selfless - you spend your free time doing amazing things for your husband, children, mother, grandchildren, co-workers, friends and neighbors...that is just who you are - you are a woman with a generous heart and soul, and we all take you for granted way too I will state here publicly I feel blessed every day to have you for a mother...Happy Mother's Day!

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